Thursday, 23 February 2017

Shigmotsav Festival in Goa

Shigmotsav is a popular festival in Goa. It is similar to the Festival of Holi. The Hindus celebrated this 14 days long festival. The Goan Hindu traditions and mythology is showcased in this festival. Shigmotsav is celebrated to mark the farewell of winter. During the festival, people withdraw from non-vegetarian food and alcohol drinks.

The Shigmo or Shigmotsav festival is celebrated in the month of phalguna {march} from the 9th moon day to full moon day as per the Hindu calendar. It is the biggest festival for Hindus for Hindus in Goa. The 5th day is called 'Rang Panchami.This day of rejoicing is celebrated with the abundant use of 'Gulal' or red power.

From the 11th to the 15th moon day, villagers dress up in colorful dresses and embark with a festive mood along with multi-colored flags, beating drums and blowing flutes to get togethere at the village temple. They dance folk songs in the temple court yard to the beat of the drums.

These are interpersed with small groups that move along the route with their traditional Goans drum. The grand finale is the beautifully designed and lit floats. These floats are taken out at different locations on various days in goa.


  1. Waww....interesting post...keep it up...keep posting...
