Friday, 27 January 2017

Sao Joao

The Sao Joa Festival is most pompously celebrated in goa amongst the Catholic community and is dedicated to St.John the Bapist which is celebrated on 24th June every year. This occassion marks the celebration by the local youth in the villagers of Goa who normally get drunk and jump into wells according to the existing tradition of Sao Joao festival.

They consume plenty of fruits on this occassion and are virtually unstoppable when they indulge in revelry. specially in Salcete taluka , different type of folk dances or mandos are held which are popularly known as Sangodds. Fruit and eatables are exchanged between friends and relatives. It is an existing tradition wherein anyone who owns a well and has a girl who is newly married exchanges pleasantaries and food iteams to their in-laws as is the custom in every Goan village.
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It is a real treat to watch the local youth with crowns of leaves and varied fruits on their heads going out in processions carrying  Goan liquor along with them jumping into wells to have fun. Later,they enjoy a lavish feast of meat and seafood marking the end of the festival. The rainy season is a perfect
foil for the Sao Joao festival as most of the people enjoy it more when its raining heavily.